Securing America’s Minerals: Idaho Leads the Charge Against Foreign Dependence

Today, the Idaho Mining Association and A Common Sense America convened a strategic roundtable to discuss national security concerns surrounding America’s critical mineral supply and efforts by foreign interests and environmental activists to block domestic development and increase dependence on foreign supply. Moderated by Ben Davenport, Executive Vice President of the Idaho Mining Association, the […]

Congress to Investigate China Backed Environmental Groups

Recent national security reports have uncovered efforts by China, Russia and other countries hostile to the United States to shape domestic policies that harm our country’s national security, food security, energy independence and technological advancements. “Make no mistake, we are at war – not in the traditional military sense – but a new kind of […]

CSA Urges Governor Little to Investigate Foreign-backed Front Groups

Today, we have sent Governor Little a letter urging his administration to investigate the Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club and other extremist front groups for potentially utilizing foreign investment and resources to influence policy in the state of Idaho with the goal of undermining America’s food production, and economic and national security interests. Less […]

CSA Urges McMaster to Investigate Foreign-backed Front Groups

Today, we have sent Governor McMaster a letter urging his administration to investigate the Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club and other extremist front groups for potentially utilizing foreign investment and resources to influence policy in the state of South Carolina with the goal of undermining America’s food production, and economic and national security interests. […]